Chairman's Messages

Chairman's Messages

A.K. Abdul Salam.

As an educator, to embark on a journey of success and to go on with it, one needs to have the tools of preparedness and strategy which lead to the path of growth and high-quality education.

However, indebtedness to a system that is undergoing a sea change is the challenge that I have undertaken; to put it simply, to be part of the educational process of the contemporaneous era, which is enlightening as well as challenging, especially when one is bound to liven up the educational needs and aspirations of a highly inquisitive, technology-savvy generation.

But at the same time, it is stimulating for a vibrant educator like me to be aware that education has shifted its paradigm from learning to acquisition as the concept of education has been replaced from ‘the mastering of sheer concepts’ to ‘constructing of knowledge.’ Providing settings and infrastructure for the same seems to involve a lot of tedious efforts. But, with the Grace of the Almighty, I have accomplished to a satisfactory extent, in all the matters related to my involvement in the dissemination of effective and systematic imparting of knowledge.